Stats Semester Projects

Instead of giving my statistics students a semester test, I chose to assign them a project.  After a quick google search, I ran across Josh Tabor's First Semester Response Bias Project.  I gave my students the instructions as well as fix them free.

I was really impressed amongst how they carried out their projects.  It was fun for me, every bit a teacher, to lookout adult man them care amongst results that didn't necessarily fit their hypotheses.

I can't await to hang these upward inward the hall.  I'm hoping they volition assistance spark other students' interests regarding statistics.  

This get-go projection explored the impact of anonymity when cry for high schoolhouse students if they had e'er smoked a cigarette.  

Have You Smoked? Project Poster

Have You Smoked? Hypothesis 

Example of Anonymous Survey Sheet

Survey Results - Anonymous
Example of Not Anonymous Survey Sheet

Survey Results - Not Anonymous
Another pupil explored the question, "Does adding a fact impact the answer?"  We had to accept a intelligence on the deviation betwixt impact as well as effect.  I used a lightheaded judgement I learned years agone to illustrate the difference:  "The arrow affected the aardvark.  The number was eye-popping."  

This pupil surveyed people close how many hours they pass on their jail mobile telephone phones each day.  Some students were given a survey canvas that alone featured the question.  Other students were given a canvas that had a fact regarding the potential dangers of jail mobile telephone phones earlier the question.  

Does Adding H5N1 Fact Affect The Answer? 

The Hypothesis

The Two Survey Sheets

Results from Survey With Fact

Results from Survey Without Fact
This pupil was specially distraught close the results she obtained.  When she added the fact to the survey sheets, the hateful response rose!  We had a expert intelligence close why the results didn't necessarily trouble upward amongst her hypothesis.

The concluding grouping chose to survey students close their alcohol drinking habits.  They, too, explored the impact of anonymity on survey results.  Interestingly, they got almost the same results from both their anonymous survey as well as their non-anonymous survey.  The boys concluded that the students had lied inward both surveys.  

Does anonymity modify the response to sensitive questions? 

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