First 24-Hour Interval Of Schoolhouse 2014 - Introductions, Circles, Rules, A Monkey, Together With More
Tuesday, October 1, 2019
Beginning of School Year,
Brain Teaser,
Classroom Circle,
Classroom Management,
growth mindset,
interactive notebook,
This yr I decided to alter upwards how I went most Day 1 inward my classroom. Considering the fact that I also changed upwards things concluding yr for Day 1, you tin safely say that I've never done Day 1 the same way twice. :)
Year 1 Day 1 - Plans; Reflection
Year 2 Day 1 - Plans; Reflection
Year 3 Day 1 - You are here!
This year, I'm determined to live on a presence inward the hall. I desire to live on that friendly human face upwards that tells students "Good Morning!" I desire to continue inward comport upon amongst the students who are inward geometry this year. My freshman are taking wages of my beingness inward the hall past times bespeak for reminders of where diverse classrooms are. Our schedules this yr listed all of the room numbers every bit "Unknown," so they have got zero to perish past times except the scream of the teacher. We don't have got a ton of teachers, but in that place are 3 dissimilar floors. I can't imagine beingness inward a novel schoolhouse amongst novel teachers together with non beingness able to human face upwards where my side past times side cast is located.
When students entered my classroom on the showtime day, this message was on the SMART Board. Algebra 2 together with Trig classes got the same message. I only changed the scream of the class.
On the desk inward the doorway, in that place was tub asset ziplock bags of tangrams together with IQ circles.
I bought my tub of tangrams a acre dorsum from Amazon. Love them! I'm assuming that you know all in that place is to know most tangrams.
The IQ circles are a novel add-on to my classroom courtesy of my mom together with her awesome grapple hunting skills. I'm pretty certain she paid a dollar for the entire tub of these puzzlers.
Students who picked upwards pocketbook of tangrams were instructed to brand a foursquare using all of the tangram pieces. Students who picked upwards a pocketbook of circle pieces were to brand a circle. Some of the students tried to brand circles out of the tangram pieces. That didn't quite operate out for them. Other students didn't realize that they were supposed to create the circle inward the dark case. Students worked on these puzzles acre I took ringlet together with did some showtime twenty-four hours of schoolhouse administrative stuff.
Our showtime twenty-four hours of schoolhouse was on a Thursday, so this check perfectly for Brain Teaser Thursday.
Students were withal working on their puzzles when I began my introduction of myself. I had a few students who were able to consummate the circle or square, but the bulk of students were unable to consummate them inward the allotted time.
I already blogged most my thirty Awesome Facts You Should Probably Know About Ms. Hagan presentation here. Some students listened amend than others. Some were likewise involved amongst trying to solve their puzzles to pay much attending to me. Oh well. Sharing facts most myself led to some neat conversations! It gave my students a persuasion of me exterior the classroom. I recollect they needed to live on reminded that teachers are existent people amongst existent lives, too. :)
Next, I wanted a run a jeopardy to learn to know my students better. I've already taught to a greater extent than or less 40% of my students before. So, some I know quite well. Others I only met.
At #TMC14, I was purpose of Elizabeth's Group Work Working Group. It was genuinely 1 of the highlights of my TMC experience. One of the activities nosotros participated inward was a classroom circle. Classroom circles are based on restorative practices. I'm non solely certain what that means, but perchance it is enlightening to somebody? LOL. What I do know is that in that place is ability inward coming together inward the circle format.
First, I had to learn my students how to brand a circle. For classroom circles, this only agency that everybody needs to live on able to reckon everybody else inward the circle. During this time, I allow students to remain inward their seats, stand, or fifty-fifty sit down on the furniture. If they brand a square, that's completely fine every bit long every bit everybody tin reckon everybody.
Next, the rules of the circle: no talking unless you are asset the talking piece. At TMC, Elizabeth had a dodecahedron that she had knitted that nosotros used every bit a talking piece. I tin knit, but I haven't constitute the fourth dimension to sit down downwards together with knit my ain dodecahedron yet. [Fun fact of the day: Before I was a math instructor blogger, I was a knitting blogger. Because it's totally normal for a xv yr sometime to start writing a weblog most knitting, right?] I knew that I wanted to do a classroom circle on the showtime twenty-four hours of schoolhouse to allow students innovate themselves. But, I didn't actually recollect it through together with invention my talking piece. Scanning my room on the morn of the showtime day, I saw my stuffed monkey. He was a Valentine's gift from a couplet of students concluding year.
This volition do. This monkey volition perish a variety of mascot for my class. I allow my showtime sixty minutes scream the monkey. They voted on Henry. So, if you're inward the circle, you can't speak unless you're asset Henry. Another dominion follows from this: No Commenting. This is SO hard for me. When a pupil says something, I'm used to making some variety of comment. Students do have got the pick of raising their manus to bespeak that they wishing to have got the talking piece. Once Henry is inward their hands, they tin speak.
Having only introduced myself, I told students that I directly wanted to know to a greater extent than most them. We were going to perish about the circle. Each someone would say their scream together with a fact most themselves that they wanted to part amongst the class. Students also constitute the no commenting dominion hard.
I dearest the circle construction for several reasons. Number one. I suck at classroom management. Keeping the room placidity together with the students focused is hard for me. Number two. I dearest to have got students part amongst the class. But, side conversations have got a style to start, together with I ever experience bad that the afterwards sharers have less attending from the cast every bit a result. The circle construction keeps everyone focused. One someone has the talking piece. One someone is the focus. That someone is the focus every bit long every bit they experience they demand to be. Some students shared something a quick fact. Others told a to a greater extent than involved anecdote. Every pupil listened to every other student. And, every pupil knew that they were beingness listened to. Every pupil got a run a jeopardy to speak.
I'm modifying my Good Things routine this yr based on classroom circles. We volition create a circle earlier sharing. And, students volition have got to concur the monkey inward fellowship to part their proficient thing. I recollect this is going to live on a positive alter this year! I only demand to operate on the no commenting rule!
Now, my fourth sixty minutes Trig cast had to live on difficult. They decided that they didn't similar the monkey's name. Instead of Henry, they decided that the monkey was a she together with should live on called Cinnamon. Do you realize how crazy you audio when you say things like, "You are non allowed to speak unless you are asset Cinnamon." One pupil said he was going to perish to the shop together with purchase a container of cinnamon so he would ever have got the correct to speak.
Since we're over a calendar week inward school, here's an update to the monkey situation. Downside to having a monkey every bit your talking piece: students tell other teachers inward the edifice things similar "Ms. Hagan has this monkey inward her classroom, together with it's a stripper monkey. It hangs out on a pole. And, it fifty-fifty has a stripper name: Cinnamon." NOT what I intended. :)
Next, I announced to my students that they needed to have got out their jail cellular telephone phones. Some were hesitant to do this because they assumed that I was trying to fob them together with was going to have got them away if they got them out. Nope. I only wanted them to sign upwards for text message alerts from Remind.
I wrote the instructions for signing upwards on the board during run across the instructor night, but I recollect I had a grand total of 1 sign upwards every bit a result.
Next up: give-and-take of supplies for INBs. This year, I gave students a listing of optional supplies for the showtime time. I furnish glue, colored pencils, markers, highlighters, together with dry out erase markers for my students. But, over the past times 2 years, I have got constitute that some students wishing to have got their own. After all, markers that have got been used past times 100 students apace perish less than perfect. I've had several students inward the past times purchase their ain sets of markers or colored pencils, together with they have got seemed to live on happy amongst that.
And, so comes the fourth dimension to learn serious. My five novel classroom rules for this year. These are inspired past times Harry Wong's The First Days of School: How to Be an Effective Teacher. For students who have got had me before, these are drastically dissimilar rules/consequences than I have got ever had inward my classroom.
Here are my consequences:
Students weren't likewise thrilled amongst the consequences. They did seem to live on to a greater extent than okay amongst them after I mentioned that names on the board would live on erased at the terminate of each week. So, they tin intermission 1 dominion each calendar week without punishment.
Next, I asked my students to write a tweet most what they thought tidings was. I created the hash tag #IntelligenceIs for this. This confused my students SO much. Maybe it was the font I used??? They thought the I inward "Is" was an L. "Ms. Hagan, what is Intelligencels?"
I'm also pretty certain that my students are non major tweeters because they had a ton of problem agreement the pregnant of 140 characters. In fact, 1 of my students fifty-fifty told me that twitter was non cool. Ummm...I beg to differ. :)
Here's the strips I made for my students to write their #IntelligenceIs tweets on.
My showtime yr of teaching, I had my students write #MathIs tweets. I experience similar these were much to a greater extent than fun together with enlightening to read. But, you never know until you endeavor something new.
Download the #IntelligenceIs Tweet Strips here.
The thought behind #IntelligenceIs was to reckon what my students thought most tidings inward regards to growth mindset/fixed mindset. I was hoping to have got fourth dimension the showtime twenty-four hours to give my students a increase mindset quiz that I adapted from online, but nosotros ran out of time. So, they didn't learn to reckon this terrifying slide until Day 2. :)
Oh, together with I can't forget to advert 1 of the most of import things nosotros did on the showtime twenty-four hours of school. I taught the students how to utilisation my novel pencil sharpener from Classroom Friendly Supplies!
I posted a full review of this awesome pencil sharpener consummate amongst an enthusiastic how-to video of myself using this pencil sharpener on youtube. If you've ever wondered what it would live on similar to live on a pupil inward my class, my review.
After I sharpened a pencil inward forepart of the class, I invited volunteers to come upwards up together with endeavor the pencil sharpener. I was notified past times 1 pupil that "This isn't the 19th century whatever more. People utilisation mechanical pencils nowadays, Ms. Hagan!"
Day 1 ended amongst a reminder of what happens when the bell rings.
This is a large alter for me. I've overlooked it inward the past times when students got out of their seats together with started lining upwards at the door. Not this year! I won't dismiss students until they are all seated, all supplies are spot away, together with all the trash is picked upwards off the floor.
Day 1 was fun. I have got an particularly large, particularly fun bunch of kiddos this year. I recollect it's going to live on a GREAT year!
Year 1 Day 1 - Plans; Reflection
Year 2 Day 1 - Plans; Reflection
Year 3 Day 1 - You are here!
This year, I'm determined to live on a presence inward the hall. I desire to live on that friendly human face upwards that tells students "Good Morning!" I desire to continue inward comport upon amongst the students who are inward geometry this year. My freshman are taking wages of my beingness inward the hall past times bespeak for reminders of where diverse classrooms are. Our schedules this yr listed all of the room numbers every bit "Unknown," so they have got zero to perish past times except the scream of the teacher. We don't have got a ton of teachers, but in that place are 3 dissimilar floors. I can't imagine beingness inward a novel schoolhouse amongst novel teachers together with non beingness able to human face upwards where my side past times side cast is located.
When students entered my classroom on the showtime day, this message was on the SMART Board. Algebra 2 together with Trig classes got the same message. I only changed the scream of the class.
On the desk inward the doorway, in that place was tub asset ziplock bags of tangrams together with IQ circles.
I bought my tub of tangrams a acre dorsum from Amazon. Love them! I'm assuming that you know all in that place is to know most tangrams.
The IQ circles are a novel add-on to my classroom courtesy of my mom together with her awesome grapple hunting skills. I'm pretty certain she paid a dollar for the entire tub of these puzzlers.
Inside each box, in that place is a black, round off case. My students claimed that these looked similar they held makeup!
And, within each example are pieces to brand a circle.
The box claims that in that place are to a greater extent than than 10 ways to create a circle out of these pieces. I dumped out the pieces of 1 of the puzzles to try. Fifteen minutes later, I withal wasn't able to spot the circle together. I knew that it had to live on possible because I had only dumped out a completed circle. I spot the puzzle aside out of frustration, together with my sis ended upwards completing it for me. We're super competitive, so that made me experience great!
To ensure that my students wouldn't have got the slowly way out together with endeavor to cheat, I dumped all of the circle puzzles into their ain private ziplock bags. But, earlier I did that, I opened all of the puzzles upwards together with took pictures of them inward their solved states. I counted twelve dissimilar solutions inward my box. Twelve dissimilar solutions together with I couldn't fifty-fifty honor 1 on my own...
Students who picked upwards pocketbook of tangrams were instructed to brand a foursquare using all of the tangram pieces. Students who picked upwards a pocketbook of circle pieces were to brand a circle. Some of the students tried to brand circles out of the tangram pieces. That didn't quite operate out for them. Other students didn't realize that they were supposed to create the circle inward the dark case. Students worked on these puzzles acre I took ringlet together with did some showtime twenty-four hours of schoolhouse administrative stuff.
Our showtime twenty-four hours of schoolhouse was on a Thursday, so this check perfectly for Brain Teaser Thursday.
Students were withal working on their puzzles when I began my introduction of myself. I had a few students who were able to consummate the circle or square, but the bulk of students were unable to consummate them inward the allotted time.
I already blogged most my thirty Awesome Facts You Should Probably Know About Ms. Hagan presentation here. Some students listened amend than others. Some were likewise involved amongst trying to solve their puzzles to pay much attending to me. Oh well. Sharing facts most myself led to some neat conversations! It gave my students a persuasion of me exterior the classroom. I recollect they needed to live on reminded that teachers are existent people amongst existent lives, too. :)
Next, I wanted a run a jeopardy to learn to know my students better. I've already taught to a greater extent than or less 40% of my students before. So, some I know quite well. Others I only met.
At #TMC14, I was purpose of Elizabeth's Group Work Working Group. It was genuinely 1 of the highlights of my TMC experience. One of the activities nosotros participated inward was a classroom circle. Classroom circles are based on restorative practices. I'm non solely certain what that means, but perchance it is enlightening to somebody? LOL. What I do know is that in that place is ability inward coming together inward the circle format.
First, I had to learn my students how to brand a circle. For classroom circles, this only agency that everybody needs to live on able to reckon everybody else inward the circle. During this time, I allow students to remain inward their seats, stand, or fifty-fifty sit down on the furniture. If they brand a square, that's completely fine every bit long every bit everybody tin reckon everybody.
Next, the rules of the circle: no talking unless you are asset the talking piece. At TMC, Elizabeth had a dodecahedron that she had knitted that nosotros used every bit a talking piece. I tin knit, but I haven't constitute the fourth dimension to sit down downwards together with knit my ain dodecahedron yet. [Fun fact of the day: Before I was a math instructor blogger, I was a knitting blogger. Because it's totally normal for a xv yr sometime to start writing a weblog most knitting, right?] I knew that I wanted to do a classroom circle on the showtime twenty-four hours of schoolhouse to allow students innovate themselves. But, I didn't actually recollect it through together with invention my talking piece. Scanning my room on the morn of the showtime day, I saw my stuffed monkey. He was a Valentine's gift from a couplet of students concluding year.
This volition do. This monkey volition perish a variety of mascot for my class. I allow my showtime sixty minutes scream the monkey. They voted on Henry. So, if you're inward the circle, you can't speak unless you're asset Henry. Another dominion follows from this: No Commenting. This is SO hard for me. When a pupil says something, I'm used to making some variety of comment. Students do have got the pick of raising their manus to bespeak that they wishing to have got the talking piece. Once Henry is inward their hands, they tin speak.
Having only introduced myself, I told students that I directly wanted to know to a greater extent than most them. We were going to perish about the circle. Each someone would say their scream together with a fact most themselves that they wanted to part amongst the class. Students also constitute the no commenting dominion hard.
I dearest the circle construction for several reasons. Number one. I suck at classroom management. Keeping the room placidity together with the students focused is hard for me. Number two. I dearest to have got students part amongst the class. But, side conversations have got a style to start, together with I ever experience bad that the afterwards sharers have less attending from the cast every bit a result. The circle construction keeps everyone focused. One someone has the talking piece. One someone is the focus. That someone is the focus every bit long every bit they experience they demand to be. Some students shared something a quick fact. Others told a to a greater extent than involved anecdote. Every pupil listened to every other student. And, every pupil knew that they were beingness listened to. Every pupil got a run a jeopardy to speak.
I'm modifying my Good Things routine this yr based on classroom circles. We volition create a circle earlier sharing. And, students volition have got to concur the monkey inward fellowship to part their proficient thing. I recollect this is going to live on a positive alter this year! I only demand to operate on the no commenting rule!
Now, my fourth sixty minutes Trig cast had to live on difficult. They decided that they didn't similar the monkey's name. Instead of Henry, they decided that the monkey was a she together with should live on called Cinnamon. Do you realize how crazy you audio when you say things like, "You are non allowed to speak unless you are asset Cinnamon." One pupil said he was going to perish to the shop together with purchase a container of cinnamon so he would ever have got the correct to speak.
Since we're over a calendar week inward school, here's an update to the monkey situation. Downside to having a monkey every bit your talking piece: students tell other teachers inward the edifice things similar "Ms. Hagan has this monkey inward her classroom, together with it's a stripper monkey. It hangs out on a pole. And, it fifty-fifty has a stripper name: Cinnamon." NOT what I intended. :)
Next, I announced to my students that they needed to have got out their jail cellular telephone phones. Some were hesitant to do this because they assumed that I was trying to fob them together with was going to have got them away if they got them out. Nope. I only wanted them to sign upwards for text message alerts from Remind.
I wrote the instructions for signing upwards on the board during run across the instructor night, but I recollect I had a grand total of 1 sign upwards every bit a result.
Next up: give-and-take of supplies for INBs. This year, I gave students a listing of optional supplies for the showtime time. I furnish glue, colored pencils, markers, highlighters, together with dry out erase markers for my students. But, over the past times 2 years, I have got constitute that some students wishing to have got their own. After all, markers that have got been used past times 100 students apace perish less than perfect. I've had several students inward the past times purchase their ain sets of markers or colored pencils, together with they have got seemed to live on happy amongst that.
And, so comes the fourth dimension to learn serious. My five novel classroom rules for this year. These are inspired past times Harry Wong's The First Days of School: How to Be an Effective Teacher. For students who have got had me before, these are drastically dissimilar rules/consequences than I have got ever had inward my classroom.
Here are my consequences:
Students weren't likewise thrilled amongst the consequences. They did seem to live on to a greater extent than okay amongst them after I mentioned that names on the board would live on erased at the terminate of each week. So, they tin intermission 1 dominion each calendar week without punishment.
Next, I asked my students to write a tweet most what they thought tidings was. I created the hash tag #IntelligenceIs for this. This confused my students SO much. Maybe it was the font I used??? They thought the I inward "Is" was an L. "Ms. Hagan, what is Intelligencels?"
I'm also pretty certain that my students are non major tweeters because they had a ton of problem agreement the pregnant of 140 characters. In fact, 1 of my students fifty-fifty told me that twitter was non cool. Ummm...I beg to differ. :)
Here's the strips I made for my students to write their #IntelligenceIs tweets on.
My showtime yr of teaching, I had my students write #MathIs tweets. I experience similar these were much to a greater extent than fun together with enlightening to read. But, you never know until you endeavor something new.
Download the #IntelligenceIs Tweet Strips here.
The thought behind #IntelligenceIs was to reckon what my students thought most tidings inward regards to growth mindset/fixed mindset. I was hoping to have got fourth dimension the showtime twenty-four hours to give my students a increase mindset quiz that I adapted from online, but nosotros ran out of time. So, they didn't learn to reckon this terrifying slide until Day 2. :)
After I sharpened a pencil inward forepart of the class, I invited volunteers to come upwards up together with endeavor the pencil sharpener. I was notified past times 1 pupil that "This isn't the 19th century whatever more. People utilisation mechanical pencils nowadays, Ms. Hagan!"
Day 1 ended amongst a reminder of what happens when the bell rings.
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