Personalized Writer's Notebooks {Teacher Tip #28}

I start each schoolhouse yr yesteryear reading Judy Moody to the shape equally our rootage read aloud. It's a fun mass for all bird levels, exactly is PERFECT for third graders. 

Because the mass starts off on Judy's rootage 24-hour interval of third grade. Hello text-to-self connection!

I created a whole bunch of activities that learn amongst the book together with I role them throughout the rootage calendar week of schoolhouse inward add-on to instruction my procedures together with routines together with completing or thus of the dorsum to schoolhouse printable activities I created.

In the mass Judy needs to exercise an All About Me collage equally her rootage assignment. I springboard off of this together with nosotros brand a collage on the Fri of the rootage week.

Except instead of making it on poster board, nosotros brand them on the encompass of dark together with white composition notebooks. They select inward pictures, ticket stubs, articles, brochures, mag clippings, etc. that say close them.

And thus nosotros Modge Podge the heck out of them to seal them. They hold back corking together with concluding all yr long.

I ever exercise this on the rootage Fri afternoon for a few reasons.

  • It's it introduces "Fun Friday" (the fourth dimension each calendar week where I sneak inward a fiddling craftivity).
  • We work on brainstorming ideas for their Writer's Idea banks throughout the rootage calendar week together with this means nosotros are railroad train to striking the solid soil running on the rootage total Monday.
  • All that Modge Podge it's prissy to receive got  a few days of "air time."

Even if y'all don't read Judy Moody to your class, I would encourage y'all to receive got the kids brand personalized journals. They actually help them to accept ownership of their writing together with they brand such wonderful keepsakes at the terminate of the year.

This FREE printable contains the alphabetic quality I role to asking families shipping inward the needed items.  However, since y'all may non survive reading the book, I receive got likewise included a to a greater extent than generic version of the letter. Enjoy!

For to a greater extent than tips together with ideas on organizing together with managing your classroom delight banking concern tally out my Clutter-Free Guide. This shipping is business office of:

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